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UK Dependency Visa Guideline

Dependency Visas for the UK are designed to allow your family to share the benefits of living here. Once you are here, you can enjoy the same benefits as the British. Your spouse, partner and children can get a UK Dependency Visa and enjoy the same benefits as British people, including free education, free healthcare and the ability to work in the UK. A Dependency Visa application is based upon a candidate's dependency on a person who is already a British citizen. A UK Dependency Visa application has no immigration related restrictions on the type of work or business a person may undertake on arrival.

Duration of a UK Dependency Visa
There is no time limit that the person may spend in Britain on a Dependency Visa, however ILR could be lost if more than two years is spent outside of the UK.

Benefits of a UK Dependency Visa
With a Dependency Visa you will have the freedom to live and work in Britain without restriction. After five continuous years have been spent in the country, the applicant may apply for UK Citizenship.

UK Dependency Visa Eligibility
A Dependency Visa requires the applicant to have a relative that has settled status in one of the following ways

The UK Dependency Visa applicant must also provide evidence to prove:

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