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UK Fiancé Visa Guideline

People who are planning to marry a British citizen or permanent resident in the UK may apply for a Fiancé Visa. Unlike most other visas of its kind, there is no requirement that the applicant and the sponsor have lived together before applying.

Once UK Fiancé Visas are granted and you have lived in Britain for two years you may apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK (ILR) and British nationality – permanent residency in the UK.

As long as the person has settled status as a permanent resident in the UK they can bring her fiancé with them on a Fiancé Visa. Settled status means that the resident is living in the UK permanently.

Duration of a UK Fiancé Visa
On a Fiancé Visa the person can travel to the UK for up to six months, solely for the purpose to get married. After the six month period the person may apply to stay in the country, after this time a two year visa extension may be issued, in the form of a Marriage Visa. As long as the marriage continues a person can apply for ILR.

Benefits of a UK Fiancé Visa
Immigration to the UK on a Fiancé Visa grants your partner leave to enter the UK in order to marry. A Fiancé Visa does not require the applicant to provide evidence that a relationship has already been in existence.

UK Fiancé Visa Eligibility

The Fiancé Visa requires partners to fulfil the following requirements:

This type of visa requires the applicant and their partner to be at least 21 years of age.

After a Fiancé Visa is changed over to a two year Marriage Visa the person will be able to start working and will hold the same rights as their partner who has settled status in the UK.

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